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livestock house中文是什么意思

用"livestock house"造句"livestock house"怎么读"livestock house" in a sentence


  • 养畜场


  • The mechanical cooling system in livestock housing
  • Experiment of exchanger for thermal energy recovery in the ventilation system of livestock house in winter
  • Buildings and structures for agriculture - code of practice for design of alarm systems , emergency ventilation and smoke ventilation for livestock housing
  • The base occupies 600 cubic meters for office , 1000 cubic meters for workers ' dormitories , 600 for warehouse and storage , 3800 cubic meters for livestock house , 800 cubic meters for biochemical fermentation pool and 100 cubic meters for methane tank
    基地拥有办公室600平方米,职工宿舍1000平方米,仓库及料房600平方米,畜舍3800平方米,生化发酵池800立方米, 100立方米沼气池一座。
  • The air - cooling fan can be used in open and semi - closed livestock houses without any houses reformation . it is easy to install and use . compare with other cooling system , the air - cooling fan is pay less investment and can use in closed livestock house
  • The air codling system have been installed in open and semi - closed livestock houses . the experimental result revealed that the range of average temperature is reduced about 4 , and the rh is about 80 percent , this environment can reduce the swine heat resistant . 5
用"livestock house"造句  
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